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Revaaran: Casshi'aan: History


The  Deserts of the Casshi'aan are a dangerous and unrelenting place, where strength in numbers is key to surviving. Nomad Tribes ferry goods to and from the towns, most civilisation can be found along the banks of the river, save for a handful of mining towns that supply precious minerals to the larger collectives. The capital, Amphaea, is built into the walls of a gorge that the river carved out of the rock of the north-eastern mountain Ranges. Due to this location, it is only accessible by boat or a narrow path that leads from the shallows over 10 miles away
The Casshi'aan were not always known for their strength, they were known as shrewd buisnessmen and approachable diplomats. Many times have they been asked to resolve disputes as a neutral third party, conflicts that could have continued to total carnage and bloodshed. This ability bought the Casshi'aan a lot of favors with outsiders but their reliance on words led to their downfall. 30 years past, their Sultari, the overall leader of the capital city and a young lad of 15 at the time, granted refuge to Mercenaries a
fter a lengthy battle, thinking that they would help to protect their borders. This worked for a short time, until the mercenaries' ranks swelled with turncoats, pirates and citizens who wished for a more lavish lifestyle. With bolstered numbers, they began extorting the city principalities and holding the outlying mining towns to ransom, the merchant princes of the 5 main cities paying their dues rather than risking their wrath. This arrangement did not go down well with one of the smaller cities and they refused. Inside of a month, the city was naught but ash and bone. None others dared challenge them afterward.

The Sultari lost more and more control to the Mercenaries, eventually becoming nothing more than a puppet-king. Life carried on but destitution and poverty began to set in as the Mercenaries' demands spread to the wealth of the people.
One day, a diplomat and retinue arrived at the feet of the Sultari. Clad in red robes, a hood and carrying a short sword, the man described to him the Fall and rebirth of the Empire of Revaara. With wonderment, the Sultari listened to the combined efforts of all people of one nation for the betterment of all, a far stretch to the turmoil their own country suffered at the hands of greedy mercenaries turned bandits. The man then described what a man, Regarius Krenn, once a lowly worker who came to lead a nation unified, wished of the world, unity. Peace. Dominance over their own destiny and a hand in its making. The Sultari  lit up at these words,


"What do i have to do to make this dream a shared one with my people?"


"Simply let us take care of your little Bandit problem"


"I would, but it is not easy, they are well embedded in our society, a cancer not easily uprooted"

A gunshot rings out in the palace and a figure slumps to the ground, dressed as a Court Noble but armed and armoured under his robes.


"Easily rectified"


The figure throws back his hood "And I, Regarius Krenn, am here to make the job easier"


One night of conflict, one night of erratic gunshots heard throughout the city. This plan had been in the making for months, spies and informants had rooted out every last conspirator in the capital's imprisonment. This night became known as the "Red Awakening", a night of bloodshed that no civilian fell pray to. Within one day, the city had been liberated and the mercenaries outside the city walls were none the wiser to. The Emperor, with full backing of the Sultari, sprung into action the invasion plan. Days later, 5 Revaaran squads were sent in under guise as Nomads to liberate the mining colonies, the conflict was a complete suprise to the Mercenaries, The capital's great barges ferried entire battalions down river to the other principalities almost off the back of the Mine liberations. Regarrius had troops in place with cold, calculated accuracy, so much so the Mercenaries didn't have time to react. Sand dunes became death traps for their bandit forces when vehicles and artillery, unknown devices to the Casshi'aan conscripts and mercenaries who hadn't kept up with recent advancements, tore some units to pieces, completely routed others and had some surrender at the first sight of these completely unforeseen monsters of screeching metal and explosions.


One week since his first encounter with the Sultari, Regarrius Krenn, the Sultari by his side, issued a statement to the people.


"People of the Casshi'aan. I declare you free. Free of the oppresive regime of the bandits on your doorstep. We have taken their place as your protectors, but we ask of you nothing. We have only hope, hope that you will stand alongside us, not kneel to us, as equals. We Revaarans work and fight for a better future for all, nobody is above another, no-one below another, we fight on as brothers and sisters in arms for a brighter future for all, of peace and prosperity. And if those bandits are listening, we have taken your ill-gotten land inside of a week. We will completely rid this land of you in less than that. We give you one chance to escape, take nothing else with you but your lives and we will spare you. Take no solace or refuge with these people, with or against their will, and you will live to fight another day, and carry this message with you to your next employers or victims, the Revaaran people will leave no person under the yoke of tyranny. We will liberate them, weather their tyrants or dictators allow would it or not."

Upon hearing this message, almost all Mercenary battalions broke camp and left the territory, Only the Bandit lord Kaesiir-Arachil, who took the small Principality of Ohmaari as his own base of operations, remained, refusing to give up his kingdom of war. Way on the outskirts of the territory along the shore, he believed himself impervious to attack due to the long trek across the scorching sands required to get there. True to his word, the Revaaran attack came less than a week later, but it didn't come by land as he'd predicted. Mortar teams atop the decks of ships reigned fire down on the city. Left barren of civilians years ago, the streets were littered with the dead soldiers that didnt flee through the main gates. Those soldiers mostly succumbed to the very sands they hoped would protect them. Kaesiir swore his revenge upon the Revaaran empire. With that, the Revaaran empire took complete control of the territory.

Regarius Krenn appointed the Sultari as a Scion, a leader of men, and appointed him custodian of the Capital city of Amphaea. The first appointed Archon of the Casshi'aan was Kaelea-al-Asir, a woman of medium social standing but an expert leader of troops. She trained the Capital Guard and led an expedition to support the stabilization and development of the Shokku-Gai territories



Appearance and Approach


Their demeanor is often endearing upon first encounter, they never raise their voices and always exude calm in their speech if you are not yet aquainted. What they do when they get to know you is often a different matter entirely as they are never ones to hold back when they have something to say. Revaarans often recruit Casshi'aan elders and nobles as Diplomats and Dignitaries, though there are a umber of Shokku-Gai and Revaaran Ambassadors also, usually this depends on the approach best suited to the situation. Casshi'aan fighters tend to stay quiet, preferring to be able to hear orders over vast distances and only speaking up when ordered to or when absolutely necesary,. This has often been recorded as an admirable trait, an example is the Western Nomads Irregulars bear the nickname the "Dune Wraiths" for their almost fear inducing silence as they attack.


The Casshi'aan are a desert people and their clothing has always geared towards practicality and survival before appearance and presentation. Light fabrics, ones that can easily be used to keep skin burning under hot weather climates, are common amoung poor and rich alike. Most used to show wealth and status with what they wore underneath, their "Indoor" attire. Tops are tight fitting save for the sleeves, Trousers or bottoms flow quite easily to avoid hindering movement. Almost all Casshi'aan soldiers and military officials keep to black garments with a red sash or belt to respect the Revaaran military customs. Inner layers can be slightly more flaboyant but are reserved for R+R time. Sandals are mostly replaced with standard issue leather shoes or boots if they are ever transfered to outside the homeland. Head garments are a must, it is considered impolite to be seen in public without headgear, at the very least covering hair. (This is considered an old adage to wrap up away from the sun that over time turned into an act  of indiscretion as a way to enforce it. There is nothing ever do to those who go against it, it is just considered rude by their societal standards) Uniforms of the capital become considerably stricter within the capital guard and Casshi'aan Elite troops compared to those of the Merchant Prince Guard and Nomad Irregulars. The Capital forces tend to wear more regulated uniforms and Turbans to show their rank within the army. For all, Red is worn with pride, both as a testament to their loyalty to the Empire and as a reminder of the night of the "Red Awakening"

Shields tend to be crescent shaped or round with a circular segment cut out, blades also tend to be curved. Pistols are rare amoung Casshi'aan, they favour two handed rifles for fighting on dunes where the horizon stretches and cover is near non existent.


(There are two ways to appear as a Casshi'aan. The first, the Less regimented side, emulates a WW1 Bedouin fighters, Lawrence of Arabia and his Arab Resistance is a good inspiration for the look. Armour inspiration can be taken for Persian and Ottoman influences, mostly Large square or triangular Scale armour. This can be combined with Baggy Cargo or Loose fitting trousers. Almost all colours should be Dark to match Revaaran military, blacks, greys and, browns and reds are fine. The other side of this is the Capital Guard. They can take a slightly more Militaristic appearance to their uniforms, think ww1 Garwhal Rifles uniforms)

Concept Artwork from "Glory of Iron"

Customs and Traditions


Hospitality of the Sands


It is common courtesy to grant shelter and water to those in need or those who ask. This is how the Casshi'aan have survived for so long. Shelter in the deserts is few and far between, tents and other such mobile structures are a valued commodity which in past times, many were not able to afford.

One of the factors which made the transition into the Revaaran empire so unanimously accepted was their offer of canvas, sustainable food and vehicles to those in need, in exchange for the resources and minerals they traded in to find its way to the people and to the Revaaran war effort in equal measure. It is this courtesy that made them such great ambassadors, they accepted anyone into their tent, regardless of origin,

though they were expected to behave in the same courteous manner





















Troops are few but Elite


Fighting has never been a concern for Casshi'aan. Most see the territory as barren and uninhabitable, better used as a natural barrier to invasion than a subject to invade. What most don't seem to comprehend is their wealth of stone and metals buried deep into the mountain ranges. This wealth is what caused the capital city's location in the walls of a canyon, starting life as the tunnels of the first mine. Many compartments were hollowed out till they broke through the ground level, walls built around these compartments. The city being broken into so many different compartments and the only viable entrance being by boat or a long cart path down to shallower ground means that defense has never been a problem. 50 troops could easily hold the city against an invasion of 1000. This lack of need for vast troops led to their inevitable downfall.

Once the Revaarans came, the poorer civilians quickly realized they could find a home within the military, either as troops or in the logistics corps. Poverty is very nearly eradicated in Casshi'aan lands due to this, though nothing was ever enforced. All troops were trained by Revaaran officials and their low troop numbers meant training could be more intensive. This resulted in troops being highly trained, experts in their field. Capital guard are well regimented and highly respected marksmen and fighters, Nomad irregulars are given more leeway with regimentation as they are specialists in Sabotage, Guerilla and Skirmish tactics


Spiritual Beliefs


The Casshi'aan have a belief in types of spirits that make their home within the deserts. Demons of the Sands, Furai, lure people to their deaths with false promises of shelter and water. Water Spirits, Undine, Inhabit the rivers and few Oasis within the deserts, helping poor lost souls to salvation. The last are Shadow Wraiths, Jaa'keer, offer shelter in the sands but at a price, usually inflicting those who take the offer with some form of curse, affliction or disease.

These are commonly held beliefs but few if any people of modern times have ever seen any trace of them. It is considered a huge insult to be referred to as a Jaa'keer as it is a reference to someone who gives little but takes more than their share


Festival of waters


A common celebration held in the Capital city and the Principalities along the river. This happens when the mountain snows melt and cause the rivers banks to swell, causing an inundation of fish to the rivers and the floodplains to fill, causing what little terrain exists for farming to be fertile. The celebration lasts for a week, fish cooked or preserved in all varieties, breads and desert delicacies is offered to visitors, the poor, friends and relatives by all and wine is served to all who keep the city safe, the capital guard being given leave to enjoy a drink, even when on guard duty. (March)



The Red Awakening is also celebrated with the territories, imported Revaaran food and wine is distributed among the populace and red head-wear is worn as a show of continued support for the Empire. (January 1051)

Bedouin fighter.jpg

Algerian Bedouin Cavalry. British museum archives

Created 2018 by the Triumverate

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