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The Revaaran Empire

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The Great Revaaran Empire (Affectionately referred to as "Reavers" by The Kingdom of Gulldahn) spans  territories over the Eastern reaches of Centra. The Empire started as one nation, Revaara. This nation consisted of multiple lesser powers all vying for the throne after a disease decimated the royal family. The Civil wars ravaged the country and bled it dry of resources.

A once lush and green country turned into an industrial honeycomb of grey stone and black clouds over the major cities. One power rose from the ashes, promising an end to war and a great healing of the land. This created riots within every other faction and the people overthrew those they once laid their lives down to put into power. This man, Regarius Krenn, became the first Emperor. He formed the council of Archons. The Emperor felt that leaders should earn their place, not simply be given it out of hereditary entitlement. Only Archons or Scions can be granted the title of Emperor upon his death, and one can only become one by being appointed by the council through merit in service of the Empire.















Sub-Faction: Revaaran


The Empire aims to unify the Continent, to restore peace to long overdue war-torn countries. Their armies are highly regimented to show how unity can bring order. Soldiers, even the Imperial regulars, train daily. Many Mainland regiments wear faulded armour, similar to the lorica of their older years. Swords are slightly shorter than others on the continent but stout and much more intimidating. Shields, in opposition, tend to be larger, Square or rectangular in shape. Their colours reflect their highly industrialized nature, Blacks and Earthtones to better mask pollution and grease stains from their machines of war.

They fight regimented, live regimented and believe that his makes them stronger. Though voices and opinions are encouraged to be heard, they act as one entity when action is required. They are not without mercy or compassion, they are simply devoid of second guessing. They see those who have taken to their cause as if they were family since the very beginning, especially those who join their ranks on the field. They see enemies as potential citizens and will spare them when possible, but eradicate them if they look to tear down their proud people.




















Sub Faction: Casshi’aan


The first conquest was to the sands of Casshi'aan, where the local warlords have been pupeteering the local Sultari and it's people for generations. The Empire moved in, took out the Warlords and offered an equal place within the Empire. The Sultari , Who was not a military minded man, accepted the Revaarans with open arms, hailing them as their deliverers from oppression.


The People of the Casshi'aan are a tough people. They make their homes either in the deserts, as nomad families upon the burning sands, or in the major cities along the great Tsashar River, the capital being a sprawling network of tunnels built into the walls of a tightly enclosed valley where the river starts. The Casshi'aan believe that staying alive is just as important as getting the job done. Many apothecaries and doctors of the Empire travel to the Tsashar river basin to study the ways of healing, both with and without Etherium. It was a Casshi healer who saved the life of the Emperor after a failed assassination plot by an agent of the old bandit warlords. The Casshi'aan are also World Renowned Diplomats, partly in due to their open policy of giving shelter to those caught in the deserts during a storm, ever polite and courteous, but expecting the same treatment in return




















Sub Faction: Shokku-Gai


The next territory to be taken was that populated by the Shogunate clans of the Shokku-Gai, warring factions that would attack each other for the slightest reason of honour or miscommunication. The Emperor of the Shokku-Gai allowed this to happen to keep them under control. Upon hearing of the Empire and their act of unification, many clans swore their blades to the Revaaran Empire but many still stood by their own Emperor. A brief war, made quicker by the combined forces of Revaara, Casshi'aan and Dissident Shokku-Gai, brought the Shogunate to an end. One last standoff from loyalist forces 10 years ago, a cult supposedly in possession of the Emperors Son, tried to reclaim the country. It was over quickly, every loyalist was slaughtered without question, the Empire claiming to value naught but the protection of the people. The Archon in charge was one of the Shokku-Gai themselves, Rozhhu Nagaya.


The Shokku-Gai are fierce warriors who never forget a grudge but also aim to settle disputes quickly, by the sword if necessary. They consider any grudge that spans more than one life to be a wasted life. When Shokku-Gai attack, they do so quickly and without hesitation. Southern Shokku-Gai traditional crafters are known for their exquisite swords and their intricately laced faulded armour. The Northern Shokku-Gai, Historically horsemen pre-revolution, wear intricately detailed clothing, often fur trimmed, and plated leather armour with curved swords




















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