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Class: Trooper














The first of the specialist classes, the Trooper is designed to excel at ranged combat.  If you need someone on top of a tower or battlement laying fire down on your enemy, or constant mobile firepower flanking your advance, the Trooper is who will fill that role and do it well.  Historically, this role was filled by archers or for a short time the crossbow. However with the birth of the Etherium Engine and the Short Bolt Rifle the firepower and accuracy it provided has resulted in both ancient weapons falling from military grace. Production of ammunition is also far simpler (and cheaper) than that of arrows or bolts. With ease of use, storage and carry capacity, as well as a simple magazine feed, it made sense that the balance in the field would finally tip towards the Short Bolt Rifle and it is now firmly in use across all the armies of Centra.


If you wish to play a character that relies heavily on ranged combat, this specialist class is the one to choose.

For ease of reference the equipment list for the Trooper is as follows:


Each Trooper is armed with the Short Rifle.  

They may also carry all 36 rounds of ammunition pre-loaded into magazines.  

We will not restrict this to only 12 shot magazines if you don’t have them, so you can mix and match 7 and 12 shot mags if you wish.  

The Trooper may wear light armour;

carry a knife or equivalent up to 18” long;

a longer melee weapon up to 42” in length;

they may also carry a Pistol.  

Any of these weapons may be used in either hand and “dual wielded” should the player wish to do so. Only one Rifle at any time may be carried


Created 2018 by the Triumverate

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