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Class: Soldier















The bulk of any army, Soldiers are the troops that form the core fighting force for Revaaran and Gulldahn Forces.  Scouts, sentries, guardsmen; fighting soldiers are versatile and ready for action. With light armour for protection, a melee weapon and small shield to fight in close combat, a Short Rifle

for longer range engagements, these are the tools of battle and the Soldier knows how to use them all.   Carrying all that weight and ammunition comes at a price – the ability to carry multiple magazines or wear heavy armour is just not physically possible for the Soldier.


If you wish to play an all-round combat character, the Soldier Class is the one to start with.

Both Faction Camps might look different and wear their armour or colours in a certain way, but when push comes to shove the first boots on the ground come from the Soldier Class.

For ease of reference the equipment list for the Soldier is as follows:


Each Soldier may carry 36 rounds of ammunition, with 12 shots pre-loaded into a 12 round magazine before battle.  

They may wear light armour;

carry a knife or equivalent up to 18” long;

a longer melee weapon up to 42” in length;

a Pistol, Short Bolt Rifle and/or a Small Shield.  

Any of these weapons may be used in either hand and “dual-wielded” should the player wish to do so.


Created 2018 by the Triumverate

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