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Revaaran: Shokku-Gai: History



















The Shokku-Gai are a people steeped in Warfare. Their earliest histories say that clans have been at war with each other since the disappearance of the Ancients. Forty years ago, the lands were unified under a single Shogun and through clever alliances and threat of eradication through vastly superior numbers. Conflict seemed to subside for a time but old rivalries left unsated and new insults to clan honour caused small scale civil wars to break out. The self titled Shogun allowed these conflicts so long as they did his bidding when it came down to matters of country defence.


The Shogun died several years later, already an elder man when he came into power. His successor, a young boy with little skills for diplomacy, Antagonised the Clans to keep wars going, using false rumors and insults, sending assassins to take out key negotiators and, at his worst, sending his own personal troops in disguise to raze villages and small towns. The aim of this was to keep the clans busy and aim their aggression at each other, allowing him to maintain his position of power.

This ruse worked for a time, however, some clans became suspicious. Any clans that did speak out against the Shogun were quickly wiped out, the Shogun declaring them traitors, putting bounties on the leaders heads and offering their lands and wealth to any who would conquer them. Most clans went for this offer, some for the riches but others to ensure they were seen as strong and active. Any who didnt were often seen as easy prey and became targets for the largest clans. At least two of the largest clans became aware of the Shogun's plan but instead of going against him, secretly devoted themselves to his plan, given that they benefited the most from the arrangement.

Rumors of the Revaaran Empire's formation and development reached the ears of both the Shogun and the clan leaders. The Shogun, in an attempt to cement his foothold on the country, gave the bordering territories to the strongest clans, which just so happened to be ones on board with his deception. This way, any envoys and diplomats would be quietly dealt with and any expeditionary forces would be crushed before they got a chance to talk to the lesser clans.


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The border between the Revaaran Empire and the Shokku-Gai Shogunate became a barren wasteland of trenches, pallisades and certain death. Emperor Regarius saw through this, he had developed his army into an elite fighting force. He sent small teams to infiltrate the territories, avoiding the lands held by the big clans, he orchestrated an underground resistance amoung the lesser clans. After mashalling his forces against the border, several clans attacked the border from the opposite direction, quickly engulfing the confused defenders. The Revaarans took casualties but not nearly as much as would be expected for those defences. In his fury, the Shogun sent every clan a missive, attack the Revaarans or be declared criminals. Almost all clans sent their armies to the front but as the armies started  engaging, more of the lesser clans turned around and fought their own, infighting kept them busy long enough for the Revaarans to close the gap before they had time to react. The ensuing battles became a constant advance for the Revaarans, Clans so busy fighting off their own their battle lines were not prepared enough to deal with the incoming tidal wave of Revaaran elite troops.


The battle came to the gates of the capital, it was there that the shogunate locked the gates, his elite troops inside the Grand walls,the peasants, armed with whatever they found or were given, outside the gates as sacrificial lambs.Seeing this saddened state of affairs, Emperor Regarius stepped forward, unarmed, bearing only his ceremonial white armour and the banner of his people.















"Citizens of the Shokku- Gai. Your trials are over. We do not come to slaughter the innocent, nor slay the oppressed. You merely wish to defend your families and your homelands. We wish for the same. It is my vision that your people and our people are unified, under this banner, as one nation, all working to a goal of a better future. No one person will be better than another, no persons efforts will benefit only those above them. Look upon this army, this grand army of loyal citizens of the Revaaran Homeland and the Shokku-Gai, standing side by side in the face of tyrany. This is the only time you will ever see this army facing you. And if you lay down your arms, we will welcome as brothers and sisters, not pitting you against one another like that tyrant who sits upon his throne of stolen gold, made of your prosperity and Hard work. Long ago in time immemorial, this land was unified and none dared try to take from this land what did not belong to them. We will see this happen again. Lay down your arms, and embrace us as your new countrymen.


His words rang true to every citizen in front of them, as if as one laying down their arms. The wors even reached the troops inside the gates as the realisation of the Shogun and the Noble's plans. Another of Reagrius' plans came into action, a small team dressed in uniforms of the enemy sabotaged the gate, at the cost of their own lives, creating the opportunity to breach the defenses before the Shogun became aware. The siege lasted less than 3 hours. Many troops, who heard the Emperor's words, submitted rather than fighting a losing battle, handing the heads of their devious nobles as a piece offering.























The Shogun cowered at the Emperors feet, begging for mercy, to spare his life. He agreed, he would not take his life...for it was not his life to take. One of his own Elite guard, whose family he had thrown out the gates to defend his own hide, was the first to plunge his sword into the Shogun. Many joined him, the first kill they have made as a unified people.


The palace was turned into an Imperial Garrison and fort atop the hill with enough housing for all the city denizens and Revaaran troops, the courtyard was turned into a grand Bazaar, the emperors private chambers became an administration room for the Imperial war effort and everyday running of the city. The citizens were the happiest theyd been for as long as anyone could remember. though this was marred by one tragedy, 18 years ago, whereby a Dissident cell of anarchists attacked the city from within, claiming to have the child of the Shogun himself, attempting to put him back on his throne. This dissent was over in a matter of days, nobody wished for the days of the Shogun back and the populace helped the local soldiers track them down. The dissidents thought to keep fighting until they were inevitably captured to show their resolve, but capturing was not on the cards. They were irradicated without mercy or hesitation by the Revaaran soldiers. Many believed this to be an overstep by the Revaaran military, but all where silenced when full information was disclosed, and it transpired that the revaaran military was led by one of their own, who as a young boy was thrown to the Revaarans by the Shogun with a sword in his hand as a boy of 11. That boy grew to become the Garrison captian. After hearing of these events, and of his history, Emperor Regarius appointed the man, Rozhhu Nagaya, As First Archon of the Shokku-Gai province.


Image by Breg Broadmore

Appearance and Approach


The Shokku-Gai have a tradition of high craftsmanship, intricately woven fabrics and engraved metals  denote their craftsmanship style. They were very late to be introduced to the advent of technology so it hasn't quite taken hold as much in their fashion. The most notable change is that in solidarity with their Revaaran brethren, almost all soldiers wear the Blacks and Greys of the industrial capital, often accented with colorful under layers. The weather patterns and topography of their province varies wildly, the Northern hills and mountain ranges are very high meaning colder climes, whereby the southern expanses are tropical in comparrison. This often shows in their equipment and clothing choices.


The Northrn Steppes are the most differing of any Shokku Gai, as they were the last to be unified by any of their clan wars. Their armour is often trimmed with fur and their swords broader and more curved. They Favour Leather armours and small shields and to stay more mobile.

(The Northern steppes of the Shokku-Gai still has the same fealties and play style as the others, though their appearance is slightly more mongolian horde than classical japanese)


The Armour they wear is as detailed as their artwork. Many plates intricately woven with lace make the bulk of the armour, Often detailed with the Heraldic beast of their Province, the Dragon. It is thought that the Dragon is a type of fish from the many lakes in the central part of the province, that can only be caught on a full moon. Many think that there is more to this tale, but none in living memory have caught one, only catching small glimpses from under the water of a hallowingly beautiful, glowing fish with teeth. Many have tried to envision its appearance in their artwork and all with varying degrees of artistic licence.


(The Shokku-Gai have the appearance of  Samurai warriors and Traditional Japanese, but their playstyle resembles the typical Fantasy Dwarves of Tolkien and D+D. Loud, always ready for a fight and never forgetting a Grudge until its seen through. They do not share the Stoic, quiet demeanor or physicality that usually characterizes what we would call Samurai. Please try to avoid these sterotype tropes when playing a Shokku-Gai. You should be the loudest in the camp, Fights and duels are accompanied by cheers from those observing, celebrations should be lively and you should make your feelings on matters directly clear)


Northern Steppe tribe

Customs and Traditions


Ancestor Spirits

The Shokku-Gai don't believe in any religious doctrine set in stone but there are many who believe in the Ancestor Spirits. They believe that those who live a memorable life, are well remembered by those who knew them after their death and perform great deeds worthy of song and praise attain an upper form of existence. Upon death, these enlightened will become an ancestor spirit and will forever watch over their people and give them guidance in dark times. Nothing has been proven, none have directly heard their words but it is often thought that  when a soldier has a "gut feeling" on the proper course of action or gets a sudden burst of courage or the resolve to see something thought impossible through to the end, that it is an Ancestor spirit's guidance that has seen them on the right path.


To Hold a Grudge is to Know Your Purpose

Shokku-Gai are people of strong principals and honor. To besmirch or insult this is considered a grievous wound upon that persons spirit. From that time on, until such time as it is satisfied, many Shokku-Gai declare a grudge upon the party/person in question. They often cut themselves, usually on the cheek, to show that they mean it to the very fiber of their being. It is considered prudent to not maintain a grudge for long, to seek it out and see it to completion is best for all parties involved as a Spirit with an outstanding grudge would become a Revenant, a lost soul forever wandering the next plane of existence to sate their blood-lust. It is also good practice to have someone close bear witness to the accomplishment of the Grudge so that nobody question's its completion. If the Grudge is against one of their own, it is overseen by a leader from both parties to keep within the law and healing is pre-organised


Warriors who have declared too many grudges, or those with a grudge they are unable to see to completion, become "Blood-Bound", a type of Berserker that wishes to see their rage exhausted on the enemy before they die in an attempt to avoid becoming a Revenant. Blood-Bound become completely selfless in battle, inflicting casualties on the enemy

and victory become their top priority, often at the expense of their own safety. Blood-Born often forgo protection in favor of outright offense, Shield users laying down their shield in favor of a second weapon or a single, larger weapon. This is not to say they will jeopardize their comrades lives in the process but they are more willing to take on the more dangerous jobs required of them.
















The Great Contest

A very popular pastime for the Shokku-Gai is a kind of fighting arena which pits one fighter vs another, it is often thought that one of the ways to reach spiritual enlightenment is through fighting. Many clans will watch these grand spectacles, held in a sort of arena from which spectators and fellow fighters can observe. Praise is given to victors, respect given to the fallen. No ridicule is given during these fights, for each fight gives you the experience to improve oneself. One such insult was given by a disproving foreign mercenary, to which he had close to 20 Grudges put upon his head in that instant, a record in recent history.


Hold Your Sword or Hold Your Tongue

It is considered rude to speak to a Shokku-Gai without first proving your worth. If a person cannot back up his standing or station, accomplishments or renown with physical evidence or an eye witness, then he is required to prove himself in front of the Shokku-Gai. If that person does, then the name of the witness becomes their proof, any Shokku-Gai who questions their worth and hears that name will know it has been proven. There are many ways to prove oneself, usually the challenge is issued relevant to their claim, eg. a sage or scholar will be asked to discuss their field. Anyone of a fighting background will of course be asked to prove it by the sword. If this is failed, they are considered unworthy to speak to anyone of station within the Shokku-Gai























The Lunar Ascension

A common tradition celebrated by the Shokku-Gai, during a full moon, Shokku Gai would drum at the onset of night time to encourage the Lunar Spirits to chase away the demons of night. Their elder citizens would also go to fish in the lakes and ponds in the mountains, the only time of year when a Dragonfish could be caught, but none have been reported as more than mere sightings in living memory. This celebration generally happens during the full moon in November


Shogun's Fall • February 1055

Marks the Revaaran conquest of Shokku-gai.

Shokku Gai 3.jpg

Image by Greg Broadmore

Created 2018 by the Triumverate

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