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Gulldahn: Kasumae Tribes: History


The Kasumae Tribes were said to be among the first humans to harness the incredible properties of Etherium. They discovered that by putting powdered Etherium in specific patterns could have very unexpected effects. The Kasumae became very interesting in learning more about the mysterious new element. This desire for learning soon spread to include many other areas of knowledge. The most notable of these was strategy. The forests in which the Kasumae live were relatively safe in comparison to other regions of the continent. This allowed the people to develop their minds while other cultures trained their bodies to survive.


Kasumae warriors learned that the best way to take down your prey is rarely through strength alone. For their hunters to catch the nimble forest creatures they needed to be smart not strong. Basic tactics such as trapping, ranged combat and attacking by night were quickly adopted by the Kasumae after the Ancients disappeared. They however knew that they could not reap the bounties of the forest forever, as it would quickly become barren if they did. They sent skilled negotiators out from the forest in search of other settlements. The aim of the negotiations was to find allies they could call on in times of need.


Before long there were many trade caravans visiting the forest villages. These caravans gave the Kasumae access to the materials that were not easily found in the forests such as stone,metals and grain. Most important of these materials however was the newly discovered element etherium. Most of the merchants however had no idea what this strange new resource was used for. During one conversation between a Kasumae elder and a caravan leader, the elder began idly moving about some etherium chunks on the table. He noticed that when they were placed in certain positions they began to glow and emit faint heat. This piqued hit curiosity and he made an offer to the trader. If he was to give the elder enough etherium for him to experiment with, then he would share his findings with him the next time the caravan passed through the camp. The trader accepted without hesitation.


This was the beginning of a new way of thinking. The idea that information can be as valuable any gold or jewels. The elders knew that outsiders would before long seek to take the Kasumae's skill and knowledge by forcing them into slavery. The Kasumae negotiators set out to learn as much as they could about the surrounding cultures. They then used this to manipulate the outsiders to their own benefit. They would spread false information that provoked the outsider cultures to fight with each other. They knew that if they were warring with each other they would not be able to attack the forests. There was also great profit to be made by this as they could send etherium druids to assist the highest payers.


The most historically significant strategy from Kasumae minds was the assassination plots on Eisengarm chiefs serving in the Dahnizyan army. Most scholars believe that were it not for this plot, the Kingdom of Gullajra would have fallen. By taking out the Eisengarm leaders there was chaos among the Dahnizyan ranks. This allowed Gullajra the time to mount counter attacks. This was soon to be recognised after the formation of the Gulldahnian Kingdom. The throne formally recognised the Kasumae tribes as citizens of Gulldahnia and offered them the same protection their own land enjoyed. The Kasumae Tribes have been acting as tacticians and scouts for Gulldahnia ever since.

























Appearance and Approach


Kasumae are a deeply Mystical, Tribe based culture. Each Tribe bears a color pattern in their outer garments that is pseudonymous with the tribe. This helps their leaders to recognize who is who from a distance when organizing tactics.


They commonly Paint themselves with trappings of a certain animal to bring them closer to the feral dominance of animals during battle. Lots of colours are used but most common is blue, in no small part to it being GullDahn colors. Weapons are smaller and/or lighter to be able to be used quickly and not slow down the user when the time to disengage comes. Shields are often smaller, they come in all shapes but are often made of light woods or Rattan. They often carry short spears into battle. These short spears help hiding in Marshlands easier and, as later found, made it easier to get in and out of a vehicle simpler.


Their leaders are effectively Shaman who adorn themselves in the pelts, bones and leathers of animals to better commune

with nature. They Imbibe concoctions and inhale smokes before an engagement to sharpen the mind. This often gives

them short hallucinations as their troops chant into the wind to alert nature to the coming of their kin.
















Custom and Traditions


A Sharp Mind Bests a Sharp Blade

Due to the safety that the forest has historically offered the Kasumae they do not hold much regard for raw fighting strength. They instead seek to exert power through their keen tactical minds. Why stand in front of a rampaging beast when you can steer it towards a trap, or better yet your enemies? The Kasumae will always seek an alternate way of dealing with a threat before resorting to head on conflict. Many Kasumae start to study at a young age in fields such as engineering or medicine. They believe that the war can be won by winning the technological arms race that Etherium's discovery has sparked.

This does not mean their fighters will shy away from a fight, but ultimately they will never go into battle without a plan.

In earlier times, Kasumae leaders would imbibe potions and alchemical preparations to sharpen the senses and hone the

mind. They'd also call on the animal spirits to give them the guidance of nature, the raw focus and instincts of the

predator, the quick responses and fleet foot of prey. Some still do this but it is a tradition more than anything, a

commonly cultural pre-battle ritual like most peoples have.


Chance is for the Unprepared

The Kasumae have a deep distaste towards the concept of luck. They claim that a true tactician will never leave anything to

chance. With every possible angle covered in a strategy there is no place for luck. This belief shows in the games they play. Games that revolve around strategy, such as chess and draughts,  are extremely common pass times in Kasumae camps. It is rare to see dice or cards when visiting the forest. The only common exception to this is on Unification Day, on which Kasumae will learn games of chance from their Eisengarm friends. The Eisengarm in turn will try to learn strategic games from the Kasumae.


Spirits of the Animals

The paint that the Kasumae wear is often in the pattern of animals found in the forest. They respect the adaptability of the animal world, that has allowed it to thrive despite the perils the world holds. Tactical writings often reference animals.

The coiled tension of the snake ready to be released. The spider who restrains it's prey before feeding.

The keen eyes of the owl high above it's hunting ground. The unified approach of a wolf pack, using numbers

and maneuverability to outmaneuver prey. There is a lot to be learned from the behavior of the many

creatures of the world.Tribes will often have their own "Totem animal", an animal that best describes or befits their tribe.

Commonly, tribes will often all wear aspects of this animal to better identify them, almost like a tribal heraldry or uniform.

The Totem animal of the Unified Kasumae is the Lunar Wolf, often shown as blue with viscious, cold teeth. Rows of jagged

wolf teeth are a common sight among tribeless, traveler or conscript troops.


Night of the Hunt

Once a year during August, there is a celebration known as the Night of the Hunt. Every village or town elects "The Wily Fox", who wears a fox mask and sets tasks and challenges to the rest of the townsfolk, whether its as simple as a game or a genuine objective in life. At Sundown, the Wily Fox leads a hunt. This used to be for a trophy animal but nowadays this has been broadened to also hunting Brigands and Criminals or even a VIP in an ongoing conflict



Image by Stephanie Schulte

Kasumae Elders take on the visage of shamans, communing with spirits for inspiration from nature.

Created 2018 by the Triumverate

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